If you have a problem, fix it. But train yourself not to worry, worry fixes nothing. - Ernest Hemingway

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Another narrative

Abhijit Banerjee, the recipient of the Eco Nobel in 2019, is a serial offender.

Please make no mistake about it. After studying at two of the worst institutes in India infested with communist rats, namely, Presidency and JNU, like most other morally ambivalent unprincipled good students, he went to the decadent West for his Ph.D., ignoring the enormous wellspring of native wisdom in India (which, incidentally, would be freely available on WhatsApp in a few decades). His ethical duplicity was established beyond the faintest shadow of doubt when he accepted a prof’s chair carrying the name of – can you beat it? – Ford Foundation, an old bugbear for his commie comrades since Lord Ram’s glory days, besides being an arm of the CIA in the 1970s, as we all know.

It hurts me to trash a fellow Bong. But can I ignore what he did in March 2019? Can I ignore that the said Abhijit Banerjee was the fifth signatory amongst 108 economists / social scientists who claimed that the economic data gathering infrastructure (CSO, NSSO, etc.) in India was screwed under the much-loved and widely-hugged crusader for truth who removes plastic from beaches in his spare time? I was so bloody upset to read the news that day! … I wondered why the community of Indian economists was so f****ing anti-national! (Please count the asterisks, I didn’t mean what you think.) Why didn’t even one of them stand up and call the bluff of this horrible hundred-and-eight? Fortunately, soon, as many as 131 pro-national chartered accountants put their head above the parapet to declare that the 108 were talking bullshit. That settled the issue. Nationalist beat libtards 131-108. Period.

Let me also recall, this blabbering Banerjee was a paid agent of a political party lead by an Italian Catholic! Banerjee authored the NYunyatam Aay Yojana or the NYAY, a scheme for guaranteeing minimum wage across poverty-stricken India. The hopeless semi-Italian political party went to town before the 2019 general elections tom-tomming the bizarre idea that NYAY would solve our poverty issues once and for all and be a game changer for the poor. Fortunately, we Indians saw through their dirty design and re-elected a government that has been producing the largest number of Indian billionaires every year since 2014. Many more than any previous government had had. Poverty be dammed.

However, as I pen these lines in deep sorrow, a freaking question is niggling me!  The Hindu today reports in page 11 that our honourable Prime Minister has congratulated Banerjee for “notable contributions”?

Why Sir, why? Or, is it fake news?

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

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